Don't get me wrong; I had an amazing response from Professor Snape's Office which I was incredibly thankful for, not to mention humbled by. But I've always said I wouldn't redo a miniature theme I've already done, and creating another Harry Potter scene was doing just that. Besides, the HP fandom was becoming larger, and as that happened, I found more and more talented people creating miniature scenes from JK Rowling's wonderful books. I read "Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince" the day the book was released, and my excitement with the fandom kicked in again. On a suggestion from a friend, I pondered for almost two years about recreating one more Harry Potter scene. One day I wanted to do it; the next I didn't. After finishing the Irish Cottage, I just went with it. Creating my interpretation of "Spinner's End" was a natural choice for me considering Severus Snape is my favorite Potter character. So here's what is supposed to be my last Harry Potter miniature scene. Well, maybe. ;)
Spinner's End won 1st place in the Fantasy/Holiday category
at the 2007 Museum of Miniatures Show in Indianapolis, IN U.S.A.
Spinner's End was featured in the
August 2008 issue of American Miniaturist.
A view of the main room:
"The walls were completely covered in books, most of them bound in old black or brown leather, a threadbare sofa, an old armchair, and a rickety table stood grouped together in a pool of dim light cast by a candle-filled lamp hung from the ceiling." And okay, the flowers on the sofa and armchair? When I was looking for these pieces, I literally laughed out loud at the thought of Snape having flowered furniture. I laughed so hard that it I couldn't get it out of my mind, so I used the set I found! :) |
"..within seconds he was back, bearing a dusty bottle and three glasses upon a tray." |
A view of the left side of the room. |
It seems the Professor has the full seven volume set of the Harry Potter Septology (encased by his favorite armillary bookends). Isn't it interesting that Book Seven was released in the Wizarding world several months before it's release in the Muggle world? ;) |
The "towering mill chimney that seemed to hover
like a giant admonitory finger".
I couldn't get a picture that did this part of the scene justice, so I'll leave it to your imagination! |
The hidden door leading to the kitchen. You can *just* see the stove in front of Snape. And speaking of Snape, his head/face was created from scratch by a friend of mine. His nose is perfect, as is his face overall. Much better than Thriller!Snape. ;) Thank you, A for your hard work; I told you Snape V2.0 would have a good home! |
The right side of the room, with another hidden doorway.
"He pointed his wand at the wall of books behind him and with a bang, a hidden door flew open, revealing a narrow staircase..." |
Well looky here! Wormtail/Peter Pettigrew - obviously before the Animagus turned into his human form - eavesdropping on Snape, Narcissa Bellatrix's conversation. |
I hope you've enjoyed viewing Spinner's End as much I enjoyed
making it.
Don't forget to stop by Professor
Snape's Office for more Harry Potter in miniature!
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